This is definitely not Leucocoprinus birnbaumii - that species has a thin-fleshed, plicate-striate margin and it lacks appendiculate pieces of veil on the pileus margin.
Try looking at species of Cystolepiota from your region.
Dipak, it is very useful to show more details, for example the entire stipe, its junction with the pileus and lamellae, micrographs of the cystidia and mature basidia are very important in taxonomy of agarics. Here we can presume with high confidence that the spore deposit would be white/hyaline but as a rule knowing the color is important. Here we cannot see the lamellae. As several people have said, this is most certainly not Leucocoprinus birnbaumii. Its gross aspect strongly suggests a taxon within genera Cystolepiota or Cystoderma.
if it is growing among grass then it may be Leucocoprinus or Cystolepiota or Lepiota.......; a clear picture from stipe, gills is needed for proper identification..!! But it may be not Leucocoprinus birnbaumii because the consistency of the fruit body is not similar to that..! Even it may be Agrocybe sp if it is growing below to the tree stem or the gills are brownish black...!
However it is difficult to be completely affirmaive without a clear view of the stipe, with or (without) a persistent ring. The picure is not precise enough.
without knowning anything specific on climate, ecology etc it could even be a Cystoderma (often of this colour) but Cystolepiota remains a very good guess :-)
I have no experience with agarics from the tropics and I agree that critical features of the basidiomes are missing in the photo, however the pileus structure certainly resembles what is already said, a Cystoderma or Cystolepiota species
Dipak, with the limited details from the photograph, all we can say is that the fruit body can either be that of a Cystoderma or a Cystolepiota. It is definitely not Leucocoprinus birnbaumii. My first bet is on Cystoderma. Do you have a photo that shows the underside of the fruit body (showing gill attachment and stipe)?
To identify the fungus, I would need: Country of origin, where the photo was taken, the nearest tree to the fungus, soil acidic or calcareous, photo of underside of cap to show the gills, colour of gills, how gills are attached to the stem, odour.