This a very widely open question !!! indeed platelet surface modificaatrions are really multiple : from markers of slight activation to full stimulation. What is the purpose of your study ? understant if there are modifications of glycoprotein exposure ? If this is this, you may use the adequate cytometry withthe relevant antibodies... If it is to know if there arer procoagulant surfaces induced (or deuced ?) use anexin V labelling that will monitor PS exposure etc....
I'm working with this. However I'm a vet, so our tests are in canine platelet concentrates. There are many tests that you can perform. What is your purpose?
actually i have isolated few phytochemicals which boost-up platelet count very rapidly and maintain optimum level. so i want to study the mechanism that how they are doing so. there may be 2 possibility. one is regarding growth factors and another is regarding morphological modification. I am not very sure. but i really want to do this study to know the mechanism.