04 April 2014 11 4K Report

Suppose random variable X can take value x1 with probability p1, value x2 with probability p2, and so on, up to value xk with probability pk. Then the expectation of this random variable X is defined as E(X)= x1p1+ x2p2+ ... + xkpk.

My data is: A, AB, ABC, BC, B, C, CA ( 7 symbol sequences)

How can I compute probability of A (p(A)), B (p(B)), C (p(C))?

Also, how can I compute the mean and standard deviation for this data?

[edited: more detail]

My data is symbol sequence data.

For my data, I want to know the probability that A occurs in this data. I compute as P(A)=(number of occurrences of)/ (total number of occurrences) =4/7.

But P(A)+P(B)+P(C) will be greater than 1.

I need to calculate Mean and standard deviation too.

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