Here I have attached my XRD of Bentonite and organically modified bentonite clay. One peak I have assigned as d(001) from literature. What will the others be?
It is available if you want to know, however, the d001 changes when you incorporate organic compounds or other ions (due to shifting of the layers), so this d001 valkue is the indicator of the presence /size/type of the incorporated compounds/ions.
The assignation can be found in the powder X-ray diffraction card of bentonites (different kind of bentonites) in the deposite of inorganic materials X-ray data (Karlsruhe). I can ask my coworker who has password to this database to download it only after 6th of January, because he is on holiday until that time. Please define which bentonite (Na, Ca, modified, other) do you want to know?
I could find in my database a paper about X-ray peak assignation of montmorillonite (the main component of bentonites), I hope youc an use it. IF you want to know more about other components of bentonite, please write that.
My friend could send me the card form the database )he could download where he is on holiday) , it is in the attachment. It is made about Wyoming bentonite, removing the excess peaks of other minerals as montmorillonite.
The origin of the data is: Powder Diffraction, 1989, 4, p.19.