We are a facility conducting Metagenomic(amplicon sequencing with fusoin primers) and Ampliseq gene panel sequencing, Our ISP loading density reaches 80% on average, for all our runs.

 All our Metagenomic tests on 400bp chemistry work fine. Ecoli control library (on 200bp chemistry) also works perfect.

 However, we've recently been observing very low ISP loading for Ion Ampliseq gene libraries on 200bp, (Ampliseq panels we run include Tumor Hotspots V2,Inherited Diseases panel and custom panels for Breast and Colo Rectal cancer)

In addition,we were also facing continuous chip misalignments/ failures in seating /leaks at the same time,and we had a pariposer replacement assuming a new pariposer will address our issues.

 Although our chip misalignments/ failures in seating stopped after the replacement, we were still facing low loading densities as well as gasket leakages. We came across a massive reagent leak during the chlorite wash with the newly placed pariposer, and decided to change the pariposer again. However, we still have recurring low ISP densities and failed runs with the second pariposer

 Can anyone please advise us on how to go back to good chip loading ?

 I have attached the summary run reports and a table carrying a summary of events that took place after the recent replacement

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