i am working on airborne diseases for that i am monitoring air now i want to isolate bacteria from air how can i do this? can anybody provide me methodology?
There are a vast array of techniques available for examining air microflora. Settle plate method is the commonest of them all, which includes exposure of agar plates for a specific interval of time at the study location followed by incubation of these plates at appropriate temperatures (in this case may be 37 degree Celsius). In addition to this passive technique of air sampling, particle sizing slit samplers can also be used. Napoli and colleagues have reported no difference in passive and active air sampling strategies.
Enclosed a short review on sampling methods. The simplest method , however, would be to expose open Petri dishes (with the growth medium suited for your target organisms) for a certain period of time at locations of interest. This method is not quantitative in terms of colony forming units per cubic meter of air, but it might give you a quick overview on what you might get. If you only aim on isolation, this simple method might be appropriate.
As biological agents are very stressed in air it could also important to sample also surfaces. This sampling could be done with contact plates (es., for bacteria: specific selective medium in Petri dishes) or with swab smeared on a surface and then on a agarized medium in Petri dishes.
For viruses: Journal of Hospital Infection 2011: 77(3)242–247.
thanks everyone for your valuable suggestions/answers, i am sure these answers will help me in evaluating my work and will help me in improving quality of my research work.