The Vlasov launcher is a type of antenna that is used to launch electromagnetic waves into a plasma. The design parameters of a Vlasov launcher can be calculated in FEKO using the following steps:
1. Set up the Vlasov launcher geometry: Create the geometry of the Vlasov launcher in FEKO using the CAD tools. The launcher consists of a cylindrical metal tube with a coaxial feed that delivers the RF power to the launcher. The tube is typically terminated with a circular end cap, which can be open or closed.
2. Define the frequency range: Define the frequency range over which you want to simulate the Vlasov launcher. This range should cover the operating frequency of the launcher and any nearby frequencies of interest.
3. Set up the simulation: Set up the simulation in FEKO by specifying the simulation type, solver options, and mesh settings. For the Vlasov launcher, you can use the Method of Moments (MoM) solver with a fine mesh to capture the details of the launcher geometry.
4. Define the launcher excitation: Define the excitation of the Vlasov launcher using a coaxial feed. The feed should be placed at the center of the launcher and oriented along the axis of the tube. You can specify the excitation as a voltage or current source, depending on your requirements.
5. Simulate the launcher performance: Run the simulation in FEKO to calculate the performance of the Vlasov launcher. FEKO will compute the radiation pattern, gain, input impedance, and other parameters of the launcher over the defined frequency range.
6. Analyze the simulation results: Analyze the simulation results to determine the design parameters of the Vlasov launcher. The key parameters include the radiation pattern, gain, and input impedance. You can use these parameters to optimize the dimensions of the launcher for your specific application.
By following these steps, you can use FEKO to calculate the design parameters of a Vlasov launcher. However, note that the specific details of the design process may vary depending on the specific launcher geometry and operating frequency range. It is recommended to consult the FEKO user manual and seek guidance from experienced antenna designers to ensure accurate and reliable results.