
We are trying to do the emulsion PCR for screening of mutant alleles by following the procedure mentioned by Diehl et al (Nat Med. 2008 Sep; 14(9): 985–990) and Dressman et al ( PNAS July 22, 2003 vol. 100 no. 15 8817–8822). We are using Tegosoft DEC, ABIL WE 09 and mineral oil in the ratio of 73%, 7% and 20% respectively as mentioned in the protocol. 600 microL oil was first prepared by following the above ratio and it was layred over 150 microL aquous phase. A 5mm steel bead was added and the mixture was fractionated at 15Hz x 10s and 17Hz x 7s. The emulsion was divided into PCR tubes and PCR reaction was started. Up to this point it was OK but unfortunately the emulsion was breaking after 10-15 cycles. The oil and water phase is getting separated. We are getting cross reaction, may be due to this. We even tried different ratios of the above reagents as mentioned in the original patent. Nothing worked.

I have written to different persons regarding this but didn't get any reply. 

If anybody can help in this matter it will be of great help.


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