I would like to know whether a study can have multiple research philosophy. I am currently studying the influence of ownership on firm performance through regression analysis. I am using case studies to understand the particular type of ownership
There are two fundamental approaches to research: case study and hypothetico-deductive approach. And the two can nest in each other. Cf. https://www.researchgate.net/project/The-Physics-of-Case-Study
A colleague from Mexico City, Adip Sabag, once said: "The first rule of research is not to pay attention when they tell you it can't be done." I liked that when I heard it, because that's how I had been going about my work, and I've been doing it like that since.
We cannot make our research or any subject of knowledge stagnate .The new development of the same requires a change under new ideas & method so has to have the shape of knowledge & presentation . It is in this line some years back under a new shape of presentation , I have expressed my views which I submit herewith for your perusal
Philosophy of language ,it raise to the mind which is a very good energy force offering & inspiration -intuition -visualization the basic essence for the philosophy .
When we talk regarding the philosophy ,it is the reflection of our tuning with our mind & heart .Our heart sends different sort of messages depending on the temperament of our mind & this is the full process for creating a literature ,messages,for knowledge & for creating a peaceful environment for necessary -the basic need of our present time.