English Business Communication and Soft skills became the necessary basis for doing business in the global digital era. Wherever business communication fails, the business loses money and becomes a failing business. Therefore the real-world communication cases for Professional and Business English should be the main focus of corporate training and university teaching.
Eventually, as teachers and trainers, we are supposed to get our students and clients prepared for the real-world scenarios of online communication, which is a basic acceptable level for Business Communication these days. Bringing students into the curriculum building process makes them co-own the learning responsibility and increases the involvement and satisfaction from the course, it works at corporate classes, language schools/departments and even in universities with strictly licensed curriculums.
In order to fight the possible uncertainty and impostor syndrome, getting to know who the students are and what exactly are their learning goals does help to create a crafted, authentic course. The problem with Teaching Professional English is always to understand and more importantly to make stakeholders and end-users understand that you are not supposed to be a certified Software Engineer, HR specialist or MD in Pediatrics to teach the specialists business communication tactics or practice how to use the immediate real-life situations and sources as learning leverage.
Preprint How to make it REAL? Real-world cases for Business and Profe...