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Questions related from Fred Amonya
The framework of economics today draws largely from post-War scholarship. And here, we remember the use of biomathematics by Paul Samuelson and contemporaries of the sixties and seventies. Now,...
21 April 2020 5,182 14 View
Look around. See the beautiful displays of nature. Yet, the analysis of those fractals seems to throw us into discomfort. Why? Is human imagination wired on linearity and orthogonality?
27 March 2020 2,256 3 View
Economics struggles with rigour. Development struggles with prejudicial questions. So, why don't we teach our young people social physics? Look at social space as a phenomenon of physics. Deeper...
15 March 2020 6,588 8 View
Study the history of mathematics. Likely, it will start at Mesopotamia 3000 BC. Now, it is undisputed H. sapiens trace back to Africa, perhaps earlier than 200 millennia ago. So, didn’t the early...
08 March 2020 4,650 7 View
Hark back 11th century, we find algebra shackled by geometry. So, there was no honour in the negative number. When algebra was released, it opened a new world for us. Before then, geometry had...
07 March 2020 2,854 4 View
Distribution dominates policy. Resources are injected at a point and distribute across communities. Can the distribution be almost instantaneous as in the heat equation? Do the resources morph and...
31 January 2020 3,630 2 View
Start with the ultimatum of no compromise. We must not compromise the ability of tomorrow. Now unpack ability. We see natural resources and human capability. Then, imagine the space of tomorrow...
20 November 2019 2,087 16 View
Go back to Euler, Lagrange and the eighteenth century thinkers. They laid a foundation for much of the scientific knowledge today. Much of that knowledge tends to commerce. Yet, in a way, commerce...
01 January 1970 8,755 3 View
China has jolted into global trade, leaving a trail of emission. The force should remind us of the Ming Dynasty. Yet, in technology has made a quiet apology, or has it? Need it? Do thoughts of...
01 January 1970 880 0 View
Mention the name Robert McNamara. Poles of views arise. Put them aside. Appreciate that McNamara brought science to infrastructure investment. He also triggered a surge in infrastructure...
01 January 1970 4,408 1 View
The PPP wave is more crucial to Africa than any other continent. The state in Africa is just moulding from decades of imperial rule. At the same time, worldwide the state surge of the Second World...
01 January 1970 8,505 5 View
Study this article and let us know your thinking: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/kampala-jinja-expressway-failure-civilisation-fred-amonya/
01 January 1970 3,334 3 View
Here are the groups: 1. Those who find the hypothetico-deductive (HD) frame inadequate for the complexity they face. 2. The ones constrained to case study while acknowledging they do not have...
01 January 1970 432 2 View
Michael asks us to stop and look at ‘knowledge’. Karl is transfixed on social moulding. When searching for a frame for the complexities of Africa, Michael turns up readily in the epistemology of...
01 January 1970 1,320 6 View
Why would a country that is struggling with return on infrastructure investment and a heavy current account deficit launch $1 billion road expressway (circa 3% of GDP), which project is publicised...
01 January 1970 9,123 6 View
Still glowing in his Nobel Prize, Romer has just said, ‘any choice would be better than continued paralysis.’ (Bloomberg 18 Oct 2018) He was referring to public investment. In a way, this is...
01 January 1970 1,612 2 View
Whatever our views, NAIRU provides a structure of policy for the central bank. Not quite. Take Africa. Definition of employment is fuzzy, which should be a point of different not value judgement....
01 January 1970 5,021 1 View