07 June 2021 2 8K Report

I'm expressing 3XFLAG peptide (MDYKDHDGDYKDHDIDYKDDDDK, ~2.9 kda) using in vitro translation system and trying to detect this peptide using western blot (1st Ab = Monoclonal ANTI-FLAG® M2 antibody produced in mouse).

I will use tricine-SDS-PAGE and blot peptide on PVDF or positively charged nylon membrane.

However, in the literature of 'Anti-FLAG® M2 Magnetic Beads' Figure. 4 (https://www.sigmaaldrich.com/KR/en/technical-documents/technical-article/protein-biology/protein-purification/anti-flag-m2-magnetic-beads, and image below), when 3x FLAG peptide was immunoblotted, then It looks peptide cannot be detected by Anti FLAG antibody.

So, I think that transfer condition can be problematic but not sure.

Does anyone see 3xFLAG peptide detected by western blot or can it be detected by immunoblotting?

Also, advice on the experimental process is always welcome.

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