Book Title "Global Perspectives of Toxic Metals in Bio Environs: Bio-transformation, Health Concerns, and Recuperation“

We are pleased to invite you to contribute a chapter to our above mentioned edited volume to be published by Springer Nature. This book aims to provide a comprehensive and interdisciplinary overview of the current research on toxic metals in various biological environments, focusing on their bio-transformation, the associated health concerns, and strategies for recuperation and remediation. Interested authors may communicate their consent upto15-06-2024. Deadline to submit the chapter is 15-08-2024. Tentative Date of Publication shall be 25-01-2025

Book Chapter Titles

1. Heavy metals in the Environment: The Global Scope

2. From Brick-and-Mortar to Biomarkers: The Evolutionary trend in heavy metal Detection

3. Unveiling the Pandora's Box: A Global Perspective of Toxic Metals in Bio environs

4. X-Ray Vision for Environmental Health: Advanced Spectroscopy Techniques in Heavy Metal Assessment

5. Geographical Variations: Mapping the Distribution of Toxic Metals Across the Globe

6. Perspectives of Biotransformation of Toxic Metals

7. Nature's Defence Mechanisms: Unveiling Biotransformation Pathways for Toxic Metals

8. Microbial Mediators: The Role of Microorganisms in Heavy Metal Biotransformation

9. From Friend to Foe: Understanding the Dual Nature of Biotransformation in Metal Detoxification

10. Nanotech to the Rescue: Engineering Innovative Materials for Heavy Metal Remediation.

11. Health concerns and issues associated with Toxic heavy Metals

12. Unveiling the Ecological Costs: Ecotoxicological aspects of Heavy Metal Pollution

13. A Silent Threat: The potential consequences of Toxic heavy Metals on Human Health

14. Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification: The Cascading Effects of Toxic Metals in the biosphere

15. Case Studies: Unveiling the Human Cost of Toxic Metal Exposure in Different Bio environs

16. Mapping Our Metallic Mess: Advanced Modelling for Heavy Metal Dispersion and Prediction

17. Recuperation Strategies and approaches for Contaminated Bio environs

18. Remediation Techniques: A Multi-pronged Approach to Reclaiming Contaminated Environments

19. Bioremediation: Harnessing Nature's Cleanup Crew for Metal Decontamination

20. Sustainable Solutions: Aligning Recuperation Strategies with Environmental Protection

21. Global Collaboration: Towards a Unified Approach for Mitigating Toxic Metal Threats

22. Emerging Technologies: A Glimpse into the Future of Toxic heavy Metal Management

23. A Call to Action: Safeguarding our Bio environs for a Healthier tomorrow

24. Towards a Heavy Metal-Free Future: Emerging Research Frontiers and Sustainable Solutions

Contact us: Editors

1. Dr. Mohammad Aneesul Mehmood, Assistant Professor, Government Degree College, Shopian, J&K, India,

Email: [email protected] Mobile +91-9906681697

2. Dr. Rouf Ahmad Bhat

Email: [email protected]

Mobile: +91-7006655833

3. Dr. Gowhar Hamid Dar, Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Science, Govt. Degree College, Kulgam, J&K, India

Email: [email protected] Mobile +91-7006082223

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