c-global is Einstein’s most miraculous brainchild, found in response to a discussion held with his senior friend Michele Besso in the spring of 1905. It possesses some formidable properties because it remains valid around everyone, no matter how fast she or he may be moving.
Almost three years later, in December of 1907, the problem of the influence of gravity on c would be addressed by Einstein. His newly proposed “equivalence principle” (between gravity and ordinary constant acceleration) is the most astounding armchair prediction ever made. It entailed the famously familiar gravitational redshift: Light that ascends from the bottom to the tip of Apollo going in full blast in outer space, inevitably shows this redshift. Although the experimental confirmation in Princeton would take 52 years.
However, Einstein in 1907 in addition looked at light that is propagating horizontally downstairs. Here he predicted – of course equally correctly -- that the horizontal light ray looks creeping in parallelism to its reduced frequency, when watched from above. The famous “gravitational redshift” thus was accompanied by the equally startling prediction of a “gravitational slowdown of the speed of light” -- such that the latter speed would retain its universal value of 2 1/2 years before only locally (“c-local”).
Three and a half years of dead silence on the topic of gravitation followed suit in Einstein's work. This obviously because the “axiom” of c-global, made at the outset, entailed the implied “theorem” of c-nonglobal – a logical inconsistency.
No one took offense. It rather seemed to make sense in the physics community from then on up until to date that c is "creeping" downstairs when observed from above. The disturbing fact that quantum mechanics is violated thereby (because the lower in mass-energy photons downstairs yield lower-mass atoms down there via creation-annihilation, so the latter must be enlarged by the redshift factor) was of course inaccessible in 1907. The latter quantum constraint would then go unnoticed for a century.
As we saw, the visibly creeping light downstairs was obtained in 1907 as a formal implication of the assumption of c-global – a logical nonsequitur. Can consistency be regained? Einstein later excused himself that he had “seared his mind” by thinking too hard about the situation.
You spot see the resolution? It reads: local slantedness downstairs relative to above. The light ray which is progressing locally horizontally downstairs is at the same time slanted relative to the tip at every point, owing to the bottom's constant falling back relative to the tip. This is the reason why the ray looks slowed!
The implications of this "repair" are far-reaching: The global c gets retrieved just as is logically required. Hence the distance traveled – size – is not actually unchanged downstairs as was always believed so far, but rather is proportionally increased. This jibes with quantum mechanics which demands, via the less energetic photons down there and creation-annihilation, that all atoms downstairs have proportionally less mass and hence are proportionally enlarged in accordance with the Bohr radius formula.
But this fact is unknown? Yes, but this by historical accident. What is the consequence? Indeed, the newly retrieved c-global radically re-scales general relativity. The first scholarly student to write down the repaired full field equations will predictably get nobelized. But what else is it that will follow?
A whole bonanza. For example: "no cosmic expansion any more." And Fritz Zwicky’s dynamical-friction explanation of the cosmological redshift law is suddenly rehabilitated. The 7 Nobel medals in support of the Big Bang require new laudatios. However, as important as all of this looks, it is nothing compared to a collateral blissful fact:
An experiment deemed safe by the scientific community is suddenly maximally dangerous to earth. So as if the whole scientific community has had playdough on its eyes for almost a century. So the ten thousand physicists at CERN cannot be blamed for sharing in this blindness?
This first logic error ever made by the whole physics community is not without its consequences: It entails a so-called survival error by causing “Armageddon risked.”
The whole physics community has currently lost its prestige before the public eye across the planet because it actively ignored the survival-relevant newly discovered implication of Einstein's equivalence principle: c-global.
On the other hand, the humanities have retrieve their superior status once held in the past: “Think, little babe, don’t you calculate!” For calculating without thinking is deadly, it turns out. And as a bonus for the improved understanding of Einstein’s first superhuman insight, c-global, his second, (nonlocality) likewise proves much more powerful than previously thought.
c-global is hard to top, though, because of its role as a planet-saver.
September 21, 2017