No. These fears have been repeatedly debunked and further of the odds were at a 1/6 since 2007 it would be vanishingly unlikely that such would not have happened already.
Cern has specifically debunked this claim here
And the author of this paper that you linked to is not an expert in high energy physics or detector physics, and seems to be confused on the difference between cosmological black holes and quantum black holes, the latter of which the LHC (the actual collider at CERN) may generate.
It is also important to notice that cosmic rays interactions can dwarf the energy scales of the LHC by multiple factors.
How many more years of experiencing catastrophe-free operation of the LHC should pass, so you can say the LHC is totally safe, and cannot cause a global magnitude catastrophe ? 5 more years of its operation with no catastrophes? 10 years ?
Would you have the same opinion if the LHC had already 30 years of continuous operation with no global-magnitude risks ?
Please, I am more than happy to continue with this conversation, so
Please, tell me exactly what is the so called risk? meaning, what exactly is what you expect might happen, why?, the requiered Energy, and what assumptions or theory/model are you considering.
And I will be more than glad to build up a positive critical discussion with you with physical arguments ... this could be a positive exercise :)
Is CERN about to trigger the worst imaginable accident with an odds of 1 to 6?Question
Asked December 28, 2020,
Are you of an educational institution?
If so then perhaps you have some familiarity with CERN.
CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is one of the world's largest and most respected centres for scientific research. Its business is ...
The Large Hadron Collider The CERN openlab.
Never aligned with any sort of 'error', major or minor.
Dr. Prof. Yoshida, TPEOM.
This response should conclude this statement of concern.
Is CERN about to trigger the worst imaginable accident with an odds of 1 to 6?Question; = '0'.Total U of any sort of carelessness!!