
I'm making RADseq libraries using fish fin clips that have been stored in a chaotropic buffer (4M Guanadinium thiocyanate + detergent, EDTA, TRIS and B-ME). Ideally, I'd like to homogenize these samples in the same buffer and use a magnetic bead based protocol for gDNA isolation as columns or liquid DNA isolation is difficult to achieve with my sample size whereas I can automate the isolation with beads.

My concern is that by storing the fin clips in the chaotropic buffer, I won't be able to get rid of RNA with an RNase digestion before I isolate gDNA, leaving RNA in my sample.

As far as I see it, I have two options: (1) live with some RNA in my library prep (and hope it's impact is limited). (2) Add an RNase treatment after gDNA isolation (and risk losing a lot of DNA because the RNA compete for bead binding sites).

Has anyone solved a similar conundrum or have some advice?


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