
I have be studying on bone derived MSC and in the begining I did passaging, ICC, freezing cells and defrosting cells. There was no problem but now my MSC cell cultures were infected two times and I could not find the reason.

I have suspected;

1. Last time I forgot to wash my cells before trypsinization but this affects only number of cell that I gained.

2. I have realized I was doing differentiation assay at the same time and cells in diffrentiation media were not affected from infection. In my diffrentiation media I was using gentamycine and in control media I used penicillin/streptomycin (Pen/Strep). Is this the reason or Pen/Strep does not work?

3.I recieved the cells on 6/12/2023 and I passaged them 16/12/2023 and I fed them on 19/12/2023. There was no problem and I would feed and passage them on 22/12/2023 but I have learnt they were infected?

I was checking them every feeding time is that enough or should I check them every day under microscope ? I do not want them they are infected or disturbed.

I will be so happy if you share your thoughts because I do not want to lose my cells because of infection third time?

Thank you

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