How to deal with and combine the inconsistent results?
I tried to take control of my sample loading & reaction set up. As a result, I got relatively consistent expression of my internal control among plates (I used HPRT, Ct ~20).
I used to normalize the results by using sample1, and combined the normalized data from each plate together. In this way, I get accepted degree of deviations.
But I realized that this way is problematic, and I should use a SINGLE sample for all the rest of my data. The problem is: when I tried to combine all of my sample1 from each plate, I noticed there were huge inconsistency.
eg. in terms of gene A expression, the delta Ct of mouse 1 &2 may be 2&4.
This is my exaggeration, the inconsistency is not that big, but still outstanding. Biological replicates are necessary, but the inconsistency drives me crazy.
Is there anyway to fix it?