I am attempting to calculate concentration for a protein I want to purify. I'm still unsure about what to include when calculating the extinction coefficient don't want to ask my supervisor, since he's busy with other things and I'd like to try to find the answers out on my own!

I have sequenced the construct, but as usual, there are extraneous parts of the sequence before and after the actual gene. When I did the bacteria culture and induced it with IPTG, was the entire plasmid in my BL21 cells translated into protein? If so, how am I going to be able to selectively keep just the gene of interest (or if I'm mistaken in protocols and the entire plasmid will be used, do I just use my gene's sequence in calculating extinction coefficient or the entire plasmid [which, of course, would be very large]). 

Thank you all so much for your answers!

-A learning student.

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