As a part of one of my R&D projects, I had to examine the effect of a set of industrial co-products on the growth of a single microalgal species.

I had to prepare (6) flasks containing 100 ml of media from rather contaminated industrial co-product samples. Despite autoclaving the media, the culture always seems to be contaminated.

Upon examining the samples under the microscope it turned out that the bacterial cells were moving, however, when plated on the equivalent agar media, they were unable to grow, and only the microalgal species showed growth.

The bacterial contaminant (a single species) seems to originating from the sample, rather than being introduced during inoculation (it is evident that the bacterial species in the original sample is the same as the one in the 100 ml culture)

My questions/queries:

- How come the bacterial cells manage to move (look viable), but cannot grow on agar media? (The agar media consists of the same ingredients as the original media from the liquid culture) I have heard of some theory that some bacterial cells exhibit ''twitching'' after death. Does anyone know anything about this phenomenon?

-Having plated them, it seems that the bacteria are not viable, but their cells seem to be in-tact ( I have tried using trypan blue stain to examine the viability of the bacteria but the cell walls seem to be in-tact and the cells do not stain blue). How come the autoclave does not disrupt the bacterial cells? Is it possible that spores survive? Why wont they grow on agar?

I have repeated this experiment 4 times and the outcome is always the same.

Provided the bacteria are dead, they shouldn't impair to growth of the microalgae, however it is very difficult to perform cell counts in the presence of a contaminant and other detritus. Cell counts is the only method I have been able to use to estimate cell density, due to the nature of the co-products (very dense solutions, with plenty of detritus).

Is there any way to disrupt the bacterial cells (lyse them) other than autoclaving, which clearly does not seem to be working in my case?

Thank you in advance for the replies.

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