In my opinion, An article-processing charge (APC), also known as a publication fee poses an obstacle for Academic Studies. Because the most important making-known activity of your research and its importance, results etc is turning it into a publication and publishing it in a good journal. But if you do not have funding or enough money to cover the APC charge (which is really high sometimes) an article that is already submitted, already accepted can wait even more than 2 years for publication without open access. This should not be like that if scientific works really matter in this world. Additionally, it's really sad to see even publish an article in a good journal turn into a business.

On the other hand, the journal is making an agreement with authors about in case if they share full-version in any academic platform to make it available for other authors they can not publish an article in any other open-access journal for the upcoming 2 years.

I have an article about #femaleimmigrantenterprenurship that got accepted nearly 2 years ago and I and co-authors are still waiting for the publication because it's not open-access due to APC. This is just unfair and damages the scientific works. if you have such an experience too and what you think about it please do not hesitate to raise a voice, it's vital importance.

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