FILE NAME: USAMV Newsletter 21 tipar Cluj Napoca - Romania - Feb 2011 - cut version- Stop Smoking by ATW see pg15


Stop Smoking within USAMV Cluj-Napoca and All Romanian University campuses and Anywhere in the World – for a Sustainable Romania and Development – The Human and His Decisions is the Most Contaminating Aggregate (Romanian language article with English abstract)

We can’t build one way and destruct the other ways. Education must be sustainable only so we can hope for sustainable developments, for economic stability and environmental protection.

The article in Romanian is attached to the file folder (please see page 15 of the publication).

The English abstract is enclosed here:

I invite you, I suggest you to conduct such campaign to PROHIBIT SMOKING on campus. No special places for smoking. No special treatment for smokers.

We can’t construct professionals without educating citizens.


The article is in Romanian language and it marks the beginning of Stop Smoking campaign within the University campuses in Romania, starting with the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. It encourages students and professors to stop smoking on the campus and anywhere. The essential purpose of an educational institution, of a university is to prepare professionals. USAMV Cluj-Napoca being a Life Sciences University has a more accentuated obligation not to only research Life Sciences but also to protect Human Life and its Human Condition. Healthy professionals are a better, sustainable investment. Stopping smoking assures public health, reduces public expenditures and wasted natural resources. Therefore, smoking has a huge negative impact upon the Global Ecological and Economical problems given the inter-dependence of resources and of the negative outcomes of tobacco consumption. The article is also an invitation to observe 31-st of May as the „Make Every Day World No Tobacco Day” initiated recently by the World Health Organization (WHO). The article calls for initiating in Romania such campaign and the 31-st of May to be a day to celebrate the success.

Lots of resistance / opposition / arguments have been met from the newspaper’s staff in order to have the article published in the USAMV Newsletter. It was called as being a campaign and the paper’s policy does not support any campaign and concentrates on informative articles. Ironically, on the cover of the same paper (issue nr. 21, February 2011) the administration published a campaign for „Mărţişor”. Several other conflicting and non-sense arguments were sent to me. To mention sadly, it is very difficult to lunch an initiative in Romania. The article in essence, using Romanian language says: Recent, Organizaţia Mondială a Sănătăţii (WHO), a declarat 31 Mai a fi ziua Mondială împotriva fumatului. Numită „FĂ FIECARE ZI ZIUA MONDIALĂ FĂRĂ TUTUN,.” USAMV Cluj-Napoca poate pre-întâmpina ziua de 31 mai dând un exemplu în rândul universităţilor din România.

The electronic version as PDF (see page 15) has been hardly sent to me by papers staff and here I made it available to you for download (from FILES FOLDER OF THE GROUP) [please see page 15].

I invite readers (and members of this group) to take a stand and send to the University a paper letter via regular /registered mail and express your point of view. It is a beginning of a major project and I need any possible support from allover the World and from Romania as well. It is not a domestic concern; it is not a national concern. It has a Global Impact as the borders that divide us are just symbolic.

Thank you,

Adrian Toader-Williams

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