14 February 2021 3 4K Report

Was wondering if anyone here can help me out with a problem I've run into with the Arena Simulation software.

Basically, the production process I am modelling has two stations. I want entities to first be sent down Conveyor Line 1. After 21 entities are sent down conveyor 1, I want the next 21 entities to be sent down conveyor 2. Afterwards, the next 21 entities will be sent down conveyor 1 again. And so on and so forth.

So far I've come up with two ways how I might be able to model this process however I am unsure of how to actually go about implementing these ideas. First would be to have alternating entity types. The first 21 will be entity 1, next 21 entity 2, next 21 entity 1, and so on and so forth. Then there will be a decide module checking what kind of entity it is and will act accordingly.

Next idea is to assign a variable/attribute. The next would be to assign a variable that counts the number of entities that pass it. The decide module will then act accordingly.

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

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