I have particular interest in cognition and cognitive psychology. Herbal products and their effects on cognition, learning and memory have been my areas of work. You can contact me with your proposal. Thanks
I would love to! I am very interested on the effects of sustained behaviors and whether they are strictly route/behavioral, a product of self-efficacy, or some product of the two. I feel like Skinner and Bandura are both right but I'm trying to nail it down. I definitely Festinger's cognitive dissonance and Sherif's group-think (the Robber's Cave) are involved but as you can see, it get's complicated.
I tend to focus on addictions and chemical dependency, however, but depending on your goal, I think it would be an excellent opportunity! Feel free to contact me any time. I just wrote a paper about a proposal for demonstrating whether abstinence or controlled drinking might be a sustainable form of long term recovery from alcohol abuse/dependency. Maybe that or my other papers might help you see where I am coming from...