We are not active listeners, most of time, and it causes confusion, vagueness about what was being said; active listening is an important element of effective communication. We can practice that skill of active listening and improve our habit of listening with open minds.
One of the most important skills in communication is to actively listen to the speaker. Physiotherapy requires constant interactions with clients, hence authentically listening to problems, intentions and feelings is integral. The main aspects of active listening involve attentive silence, eye contact and paraphrasing to show attention (Jahromi, Tabatabaee, Abdar, & Rajabi, 2016).
Application of active listening establishes effective communication, increase in trust and a healthy therapeutic relationship. I will utilize active listening to ensure patients feel heard and understood. This will allow increased conversational flow, hence reducing misunderstandings through the constant exchange of opinions"
In my point of view, listening is one of the most important skills you can have. How well you listen has a major impact on your life and on the quality of your relationships with others.
I would recommend book from Friedemann Schulz von Thun "Miteinander reden, Band 1: Störungen und Klärungen - Psychologie der zwischenmenschlichen Kommunikation" published by Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verla it is very useful and practice. Unfortunately book is on German.
We are not active listeners, most of time, and it causes confusion, vagueness about what was being said; active listening is an important element of effective communication. We can practice that skill of active listening and improve our habit of listening with open minds.
One of the most important skills in communication is to actively listen to the speaker. Physiotherapy requires constant interactions with clients, hence authentically listening to problems, intentions and feelings is integral. The main aspects of active listening involve attentive silence, eye contact and paraphrasing to show attention (Jahromi, Tabatabaee, Abdar, & Rajabi, 2016).
Application of active listening establishes effective communication, increase in trust and a healthy therapeutic relationship. I will utilize active listening to ensure patients feel heard and understood. This will allow increased conversational flow, hence reducing misunderstandings through the constant exchange of opinions"
The answer is both yes and no. Indubitably, active listening is an effective skill which affects thew quality of communication between two individuals. You cannot truly listen to anyone and do anything else at the same time. Active listening requires our full attention. We cannot truly listen to people and do something else at the same time. The important habit of active listening makes people in our lives feel more valued and appreciated. By active listening, we provide ourselves with a heightened awareness of addressee's perceptions, experiences, emotions, and personality styles which helps us to discover how they feel the way they do so that we can choose our words carefully and wisely.