Yes you can but you will have to judge your MSS that are most likely to be accepted for publication and in which periodicals. In the initial stages it often becomes difficult to do so.
Keep on trying till you succeed and do not be disheartened if there are few initial failures.
Yes you can but you will have to judge your MSS that are most likely to be accepted for publication and in which periodicals. In the initial stages it often becomes difficult to do so.
Keep on trying till you succeed and do not be disheartened if there are few initial failures.
Dear Professor, I have had few failed attempts to publish my results.
But I consider students have limitations beyond the little experience or methodological preparation and that is presently what I want to explore in this question.
Think limitations of student's publication will eventually become insignificant - reason being whether you are students, graduates, researchers, scholars, professors etc. still need to go through the same blind review process of typical journal in which any limitation picked up / spotted by reviewers will be surfaced up as issues to be addressed before any publication. Think earlier a student submits his / her manuscripts for publication, earlier s/he will be exposed to reviewers' critiques in which earlier s/he can overcome his / her publication limitations.
We are all students in the school of scientific publications, where your life-work is subject to critique by people who at best can only 'imagine' what you have gone through. We become masters through persistence and acceptance of criticism. All the best in your endeavours.
There are many limitations to students publication. In this link you will find information related with this topic. Link:
Son reconocidas las dificultades que debeenfrentar un principiante hasta ver publicado su trabajo,para seleccionar correctamente una revista, así como porel rigor con que estas aceptan los artículos, pues los edi-tores son cada vez más exigentes en el cumplimiento delas normas establecidas en las revistas que representan; yel manejo del idioma, si es que se pretende publicar, por ejemplo, en inglés.Suárez et al; 2015)
Dentro de las limitaciones para la publicación estudiantil se encuentra principalmente la falta de valoración deltrabajo realizado y la ausencia de cultura de publicación, así como el desconocimiento de que existen revistas parapublicar, cómo es el proceso de envío de artículos y cómoadaptar sus informes de investigación al formato que exigenlas editoriales. Ello puede deberse a varias causas, que inclu-yen una inadecuada instrucción e incentivo en la publicacióndurante el proceso de investigación. (Suárez et al; 2015)