02 February 2014 99 10K Report

Most authors seem to think so. Frege, one of the few mathematicians who worked on that problem spoke of “unpredictably many” (or uncalculably many; “unabsehbar viele”) - not an infinite number of them. (Frege, Logische Untersuchungen, 3. Teil Gedankengefüge, 1993, p.72 ff (German) /see also Fodor/Lepore „Holism“ 1992,p 242). N.B. „uncalulably many“ is not an NP-Problem in this context.

I could not find a proof that there are infinitely many sentences with e.g. 30 words, no matter in what natural language. The arguments of Chomsky and Pinker are about the understanding of understandable sentences, not about sentences containing, say, 100,000 words.

Here is a reformulation of the question: how can we get infinitely many combinations out of a finite number of elements (e.g. English with approximately 5 mil words) containing up to 30 elements, including ungrammatical combinations? We can’t. In order to get more combinations we would have to extend the chains. But even with sentences of 100,000 words there would not be infinitely many of them.

One simple solution is: “Of course there are infinitely many sentences of the form “This and that is that”, we just have to insert numbers!” But that is not what I mean and it is not what anyone means who is concerned with that problem. Moreover: 1st we would then get an infinite vocabulary – 2nd all these sentences would be comprehensible by the application of one single rule. (Pace Kripke’s Wittgenstein).

How about propositions instead of sentences? E.g. we might utter “This is not the same as that” pointing to different objects while repeating the sentence. The first problem is that we get many propositions but we still have only one sentence. The second problem is that the propositions are not countable. Third problem: there must be a difference that makes a difference. The objects we want to point to must be discernible. And with a countable number of discernible objects we will only get a finite number of utterances.

So even for 7 billion people the pointing to discernible objects will lead to a still finite number of possible utterances.

Some authors compare the number of possible sentences with the number of possible chess games or possible molecules. I don’t know much about these items but it seems to me that for chess and molecules there will be problems comparable to those I mentioned above. Games that get longer and longer, molecules with more and more atoms. Does anyone have another idea?

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