16 Questions 1K Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from H.G. Callaway
The quotation, oft repeated comes from the Spanish-American philosopher George Santayana. It has be much repeated and sometimes disputed. What is your view of the importance of understanding...
06 June 2019 7,686 92 View
I borrow part of a blog text on Niebuhr, which strikes me as very accurate: Niebuhr, Reinhold - Moral Man and Immoral Society: A Study in Ethics and Politics Introduction In the introduction to...
09 September 2017 9,683 41 View
Ludwig Wittgenstein famously argued, in the Philosophical Investigations, that there can be no such thing as a private language--or, at least, this is how he has been interpreted. Our questions...
04 April 2017 9,301 71 View
Consciousness would seem to be pretty useless, from an evolutionary perspective, if it were merely subjective and self-contained--a purely passive effect of the organism's environment. Likewise,...
04 April 2017 3,650 67 View
According to an Encyclopedia Britannica article on this topic, “Political correctness (PC),” is a “term used to refer to language that seems intended to give the least amount of offense,...
07 July 2016 7,456 85 View
According to Dr. M.L. King, "The arch of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." This very famous quotation is inscribed on the King Memorial in Washington, D.C., and President...
04 April 2016 1,650 96 View
In Chapter V, of The Nature of the Physical World, Arthur Eddington, wrote as follows: Linkage of Entropy with Becoming. When you say to yourself, “Every day I grow better and better,” science...
04 April 2016 1,604 94 View
Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, Book VIII. But in the deviation-forms, as justice hardly exists, so too does friendship. It exists least in the worst form; in tyranny there is little or no...
12 December 2015 9,965 101 View
In his short essay, “How Great Equations Survive,” Nobel laureate physicist Steven Weinberg argues that though equations survive through scientific change, they are reinterpreted in light of the...
06 June 2015 5,006 49 View
Also known as the reversibility paradox, this is an objection to the effect that it should not be possible to derive an irreversible process from time-symmetric dynamics, or that there is an...
04 April 2015 4,795 73 View
"Quantum decoherence" is a concept used to modify or amend the traditional "Copenhagen interpretation" of QM, de-emphasizing the role of the observer, but explicating the quantum-classical...
02 February 2015 1,611 35 View
Doing some background reading in Einstein, I came across the following quotation which inspired this question: Fundamental ideas play the most essential role in forming a physical theory. Books on...
01 January 2015 5,742 94 View
No doubt we are all aware of a vast pluralism of social and cultural differences, both at home and around the world. What is wrong with relativism, I submit, is that it fails to take such...
06 June 2014 301 20 View
In The Nature of the Physical World, Eddington wrote: The principle of indeterminacy. Thus far we have shown that modern physics is drifting away from the postulate that the future is...
06 June 2014 6,556 79 View
The British astrophysicist, A.S. Eddington wrote (1928), interpreting QM, "It has become doubtful whether it will ever be possible to construct a physical world solely out of the knowable - the...
05 May 2014 1,336 87 View
The Meissner effect is the expulsion of a magnetic field from a superconductor during its transition to the superconducting state. Entering the superconducting state, electric currents are set up...
03 March 2014 8,790 3 View