18 Questions 272 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Christopher James Davia
Many thinkers reject the idea that large scale persistent coherence can exist in the brain because it is too warm, wet, noisy and constantly interacts, and consequently, is 'measured' by the...
11 November 2018 5,962 39 View
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uFmLG51NkE If a significant percentage of this type of bacteria's genetic make up is consequent upon this behaviour can it be regarded as an example of an...
09 September 2018 6,198 0 View
Any value that results from raising the power of the Golden Mean by an integer > 1 may be exactly expressed in the following form:- (GM * a) + b - where both 'a' and 'b' are integers! e.g...
06 June 2018 5,133 0 View
Recent studies have revealed an intimate relationship between micro-organisms and cloud formation. It seems that an important 'catalyzing' agent for water droplet formation are tiny bacteria....
09 September 2014 1,814 29 View
The acquisition and maintenance of order in biological systems has been a conundrum of curiosity for many thinkers, including Schrödinger who proposed a controversial quantity - "Negative Entropy"...
05 May 2014 4,402 2 View
I am trying to understand the nature of Bose-Einstein Condensates and the possibility that they may be associated with living processes. My intuition tells me that they must be scale -free...
05 May 2014 4,421 3 View
01 January 2014 6,191 0 View
It seems to me, that we are on the very verge of some great change. The world is heating up and each technological and scientific leap that we make ushers in the next. This is the time of the...
10 October 2013 3,272 4 View
I can't remember where this quote comes from - surely Kitty Ferguson wasn't the first - anyone? Anyway, can we build a universe from mathematics alone? If not, then what is the ontological...
09 September 2013 3,901 24 View
Let us suppose that we take two large sets of ceramic artifacts from two different ancient cultures. If we familiarize ourselves with these artifacts over some considerable period of time, then,...
09 September 2013 7,696 33 View
When the brain finds a solution to the problem of the locomotion of an animal - say a cheetah, the solution often appears to us as beautiful or graceful. Does this suggest that all brains work the...
09 September 2013 1,858 20 View
The attached file is a proposal that shows how neural re-mapping maybe able to provide a simple non-invasive treatment for people suffering from the effects of glaucoma (tunnel vision) and other...
09 September 2013 3,974 7 View
In the article 'How Long is a Piece of Time: Phenomenal Time and Quantum Coherence - Toward a Solution' by Professor Ram Vimal and Myself, the problem of phenomenal time was addressed in an...
08 August 2013 7,667 1 View
The Fractal Catalytic Model provides analytic and empirical evidence that life is a fundamental physical process. Within the context of the theory the emergence of intelligent opportunistic...
08 August 2013 2,957 8 View
The question is inspired by a conversation with a friend - Paul Gray. We wonder if we can resolve the problems associated with the singularity if it can be shown that the singularity never...
08 August 2013 3,790 8 View
The Fractal Catalytic Model argues that the 'evolution of life is the evolution of catalysis. This raises questions concerning the long term evolution of the universe and the rate at which the...
08 August 2013 4,347 3 View
CONSCIOUSNESS EXISTS!!!! Philosophy of Mind is characterised by a set of seemingly intractable problems - mind/body interaction, mind/matter reconciliation, qualia, intentionality, phenomenal...
01 January 1970 3,453 1 View
Let us suppose for a moment that a historic day is upon us and we find ourselves watching a representative from Earth receive as honoured guests visitors from another planet. After formalities the...
01 January 1970 1,544 17 View