25 February 2015 8 358 Report

I have been approached by a colleague who is having difficulty executing OPT->FREQ->Pop(NBOs) over a number of structures. 

 So I performed the OPT and FREQ separate from the population analysis using the following (theory/basis-set, consistent with OPT and FREQ):

# b3lyp/6-31++g(d,p) scrf=(checkpoint) geom=allcheck pop=(nbo,savenbos)

I determined a number of things. 

1) If I remove "savenbos", it would work. But I then lack the 'surfaces' of the orbitals in my checkpoint file. I am only left with reports in the .log file. 

2) Replacing b3lyp with wb97xd, it fails!

3) Replacing 6-31++g(d,p) with lan2ldz coupled with either b3lyp of wb97xd, it works!

2) When I take out the diffuse functions (6-31g(d,p)) and couple with either b3lyp or wb97xd, it works!

For those that failed I have included the end of the log file at the bottom of this entry.

So it appears as though diffuse functions in my basis set are causing a problem for NBO population analysis coupled with "savenbos". Any ideas why?

Many thanks


Labels of output orbitals: BD LP LP BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD LP LP BD

Labels of output orbitals: BD BD LP BD LP BD BD LP LP LP BD BD* BD* BD* BD* BD* BD* BD* BD* BD*

Labels of output orbitals: BD* BD* BD* BD* BD* BD* BD* BD* BD* BD* BD* BD* BD* BD* BD* BD* BD* BD* BD* BD*

Labels of output orbitals: BD* BD* BD* BD* BD* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY*

Labels of output orbitals: RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY*

Labels of output orbitals: RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY*

Labels of output orbitals: RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY*

Labels of output orbitals: RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY*

Labels of output orbitals: RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY*

Labels of output orbitals: RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY*

Labels of output orbitals: RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY*

Labels of output orbitals: RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY*

Labels of output orbitals: RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY*

Labels of output orbitals: RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY*

Labels of output orbitals: RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY*

Labels of output orbitals: RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY*

Labels of output orbitals: RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY* RY*

Failed in SchOr1 in NBStor.

Error termination via Lnk1e in /usr/local/g09_d01/g09/l607.exe at Wed Feb 25 09:29:32 2015.

Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 39 minutes 55.8 seconds.

File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 184 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 26 Scr= 1

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