
I'm looking for an open source package that has a 3D beam-type elbow element.

This is available in ANSYS: https://www.sharcnet.ca/Software/Ansys/16.2.3/en-us/help/ans_arch/Hlp_E_PIPE18.html

This is often used in packages like CAE-PIPE, CAESAR II, AutoPIPE and others to calculate the stresses of a piping elbow and modify the stiffness of a 3D beam element as required by ASME piping codes.

I, unfortunately, cannot find an open source or free package that has such an element. I see that DAEdalon (http://www.baaserweb.de/DAEdalon/index.htm) may be the most easily modifiable, but I'm afraid I do not have the experience to correctly complete the modification.

Maybe someone else knows. Does anyone know of a free package that has a beam-type element, or would be willing to assist me in modifying DAEdalon to add such an element? We would of course release the modifications under GPL.

Thank you!

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