Species of poison dart frogs (Anura, Dendrobatidae) occur from Central America to Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil, and all are included in the CITES's Appendix II. Many of these species are also placed in the IUCN Red List, often clasified in categories from VU to CR.

Since 1985, Dendrobates spp. (= Dendrobates sensu lato, including today's Oophaga, Ranitomeya, and Andinobates ?) and Phyllobates spp. are also protected by local Colombian law act (INDERENA No. 39 of 9 July 1985). Do you know if there are any other law acts from other Central and/or South American countries which protect these (any?) species in particular regions/countries? If yes, can you provide me names of such acts?

Thank you in advance for your kind help.

Best regards,


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