I'm currently working on a comparative study of a species where I compare certain immune function metrics across captive and wild populations. Studies of these measures for this species typically report the mean and SD (or SE) of the population, which makes comparing between the various studies (and my own dataset of these measures in several sampled populations) difficult.

On the one hand, I could run summary statistic-based t tests (tsum.test in BSDA in R) and then correct for multiple comparisons between populations. But this is limited in that is confines us to one statistical approach, assumes a normal distribution (which likely is rarely the case for this immune variable, which is given in a proportion), and restricts us in terms of data visualization. I've been more keen to use a simulation approach, where we can convert the mean/SD into parameters of a more justified distribution, simulate the sample given those summary stats and the sample size, and then run the appropriate statistical models for our question. 

However, I've had quite the time trying to find a decent citation that uses this kind of approach. If anyone is aware of a similar sort of approach or study, I'd be much grateful. Thanks in advance

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