I am recently study clustering quality metrics like Normalized Mutual Information and Fowlkes-Mallows scores.
Both of the scoring metrics seem to focus on a summary of the entire clustering quality. I am wondering whether there is a standard way or variant of the metrics above to measure the quality of a certain cluster or a certain class? The basic idea is that even if the overall looks good but some certain cluster is problematic, the metrics will still give warnings.
PS: I am not looking for any intrinsic methods. More precise, let's assume what I have is, for each data point x_i belong to dataset X, there is a ground truth class mapping x_i -> y_i, and a clustering x_i -> z_i, where y_i, z_i indicates the membership and don't necessarily have the same cardinality. Besides, I would like to further assume there is no distance measure d(x_i, x_j) defined.