If you have been on the science path for a while you have probably found that the obtained results are not always the same as the expected ones. And many times the reason of a "fail" result can be traced back to some technical mistakes.
As I am sure that many of us have found along the way the very same technical problems than others around the globe, I'm creating a blog (Learn from fail) to share your "fail results" and a quick note on how you overcome the problem. I think this could help others facing the same problem to move on.
So, if you are interested, please reply to this question or send me a private message with an image of that beautifully burned silver-stained gel, that empty blot membrane, that fail PCR reaction, and all other fail results. Add to your reply a brief description of what you did to obtain the image you're sharing, and whenver it's possible, a quick note on how you overcome the depicted problem.
Thanks to all in advance for your contributions.
Final note: The images you share here will be posted on a wordpress blog and will be freely available on the internet. It will have your name (unless you explicitly ask not to) and your location (can be as general as the country only, or as specific as your current lab location). Keep in mind that your results will be on the internet, so, before sharing an image make sure it doesn't contain sensitive data, publishable results or protected material. If you are not sure that you can share your fail results, ask to your mentor or your boss on the lab and tell him about this little project. Tell him this may be a valuable contribution to Science as it will allow us to move forward and save time trying to figure out what the problem is when performing an experiment.
Share your beautiful "Fail results" so we can Learn From Fail, because negative results are still results! Spread the word and invite others to contribute.