We always run after high impact factor journals. Even, people are found to be pompous about their papers published in those journals. What is the degree of reliability of such pompousness?
High Impact journals unlike low impact factor journals have higher visibilities and wider indexing resulting in increased popularity of papers and their eventual citations.
High impact and being better in quality are two different aspects, which cannot be mixed together. A good quality journal may not necessarily have high impact and on the other hand a high impact journal may not necessarily be a quality journal. Good indexes increase the visibility of journals, hence are likely to be cited by more people. Still more, these days keeping in view the tendency of researchers falling easy prey of high impact journal manipulate their IF and H-index and self-citation and cross citation has been found as one of the easy methods to do so. Nevertheless, at the end of the day high impact and high h-index are mere numbers and they don't sever any real good purpose. A good research writes its own success story, irrespective of high IF and H-index journal.