How is sound this? It may seem a silly question (idiot): The journal Nature or Science - are they "suitable" for publishing studies economics, business, such social sciences subjects etc.- mainly economic ??? Have you some examples, in this regards?
In the Romanian academic environment of the last 5-10 years, is still discussing about the quality criteria relative to the research results, but it still is modifies these criteria, and hence the idea that at the moment have not reached the best options. Among other things, as in other countries, but also to us, it is discussing much about the visibility of international exposition of "the works" of profesoral staff.
For example, now in Romania is mandatory to publish scientific papers in journals cataloged by ISI (Institute for Scientific Information® (ISI®).) - associated anually with an impact factor*!
Priority is publishing scientific research results in scientific journals and cataloged ISI impact factor and the number of citations. Whence, is a kind of "hunting" for having published articles in such magazines - by all means...
I am surprised to find on the journals list of social sciences, or economic field/ business that are cataloged ISI with impact factor, as recommended journals are listed and high impact scientific also the titles as: Nature, and Science. So I ask myself (I think, rightly and legitimately) what have these with social sciences, the specifc of the category: economics, business, management, etc.
How justified is this question and the above criterion,- meaning: for research staff of a economic/busines faculty to publish in these above specified journals? How many such studies, but also, what kind of study of social sciences, using economic information and data of Eastern European countries (e.g. Romania) it can arouse such interest that it be published in the journal as ”Nature” or ”Science”? Most of researchers know the journals Nature and Science, in fact, of highest scientific renown in their field.
I cannot totally exclude the idea, sure, I think it might be possible to be a study big exception, in any case a commonplace (!!!), - which in my opinion, and not only, forsure can not be a benchmark!
*The Journal Impact Factor is a proprietary metric, published annually by the Scientific business of Thomson Reuters via Journal Citation Reports (JCR). JCR provides a number of metrics and quantitative tools for ranking, evaluating, and categorizing and comparing journals.