Below is the gel image I got following a blue-white colony screening and colony PCR. I got the right bands for my inserts in lanes 2&3 but got only fuzzy, non-specific bands of roughly the same sizes in other lanes (except for lane 6, the negative control). The primers we used would produce DNA fragments of size that agrees with where the fuzzy bands are, given that there's no insert, so I thought that the PCR reaction was successful, just that the plasmids didn't have an insert for those lanes. However many of my colleagues agree that these are caused by an excess of DNA/bacteria added in the PCR that inhibited the reaction. Now my questions are:

1. if the truncated DNA fragments/fuzzy bands were caused by inhibition, how come they are all the size we'd expect for a successful PCR, just without an insert?

2. If the reaction is inhibited after the primers bind, how come we end up with short DNA fragment indicated by the gel instead of the entire vector (since no reaction happens and no short strands are made), which should be a lot larger?

3. If I'm correct that the fuzzy bands are simply caused by lack of insert, why do I have both a fuzzy band and an insert-containing band in lane 2?

Thank you all so much in advance.

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