I am doing a RNA-RNA UV cross-linking experiment. The positive result I am hoping for is a cross-link between a 1.9 kb RNA and a 260-mer. This should produce a large gel shift on a denaturing gel. The 260-mer is 3'32P labled. The products are run on a 4% acrylamide TBE +urea gel. I include one lane of 3'32P labeled 1.9 kb RNA for a size standard (this does migrate a few centimeters in my 4% gel.)

I do see a UV cross-linking product which runs very high in the gel (encouraging). However it actually runs a good bit ABOVE the 1.9 kb size standard. Qualitatively, the mobility shift looks greater than would be expected for a 1900 + 260 = 2160 mer. Does any one have any experience with the expected mobility of photoadducts? My thought is, since the cross-link product is not a linear polymer it runs as if it were longer than the sum of the individual RNAs. Do you buy this? Any other explanations?

What would it take for you to believe that it is indeed my long sought cross-linking product?

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