Organizational pressures can affect a number of negative variables, for example organizational silence, emotional exhaustion , and organizational slack .
It is necessary to find a gap to be dealt with in the area of Organizational Stress (OS). In order to find a gap, you have to review the existing literature about OS. Please go to Google and type "articles on Organizational Stress pdf". You will get some papers which need to be read. You may find research gaps in the theoretical knowledge (no arguments and theories about issues or variables or relations among variables etc), gaps in the empirical knowledge (no previous empirical studies done about an issue, a variable, a relationship about two variables, joint impact of two or more variables on a certain variable etc), gaps in methodology (no instrument to measure a variable, enhancing validity and reliability of already developed measures etc), contextual gaps (done in other countries, but not done in your country, done in your country too but not done in a particular sector in your country etc), and performance gaps (actual work setting has burning problems which need solutions).
You may choose among or build toghether an ensamble of elements that are mental illness trigers and verify them: use of virtual gadgets and time of home working; these instruments of "contacting" people virtually and mechanisms of control; moral harassment and other points in this path. Otherwise, you may also enter the path of studying the impact of hierarchic control and competition as stress creators.