
May I ask

when a patient is infected by MRSA invasive infection, is there a role of doing nasal swab in the patients as the new NHS guideline released in 2015 (Dumfries and Galloway) did not specifically state whether perianal and nasal swabs need to be taken unlike the recommendation for those with positive wound swab whereby the above needed to done for the patients with wound 

As such, do we do it and give chlorhexidine regardless of the result and if the result + then the patient is prescribed mupirocin or we give both chlorhexidine and mupirocin without doing the swab to reduce the cost of nasal swab and use of chromogenic agar

Will this approach then cost us the mupirocin resistance ?

My next question is, if a patient is treated with IV vancomycin , can that eradicate the MRSA colonisation state as the data from clinical study state the AUC/MIC more than 850 needed to be achieved for this in the VAP study. This value is just way too high to be achieved in clinical practice

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