19 March 2015 3 9K Report

Dear all  

I would like to ask some questions about my current ChIP experiment. I bought the ChIP assay kit from Cell Signaling Technology (#9002 SimpleChIP @ Enzymatic Chromatin IP kit with Agarose Beads) to do the experiment, and want to know the association of transcription factors and a promoter in our study. 

I have performed twice ChIP assays , and I think I still not catch a well condition of nuclear lysis of my cells by sonication after Micrococcal Nuclease digestion (following protocol's recommendation that after S7 nuclease digestion, the fragmentated chromatin will vary in a range of 150 bp - 900 bp), cuz I ran agarose gel of digested chromatin, the bands were so fuzzy and unclear, and the DNA concentration is so low after OD260 measurement. The chromatin prep. was prepared from about 2x107 cells, and I think the conc. should not be low as this way. Hence, I think the problem may from the low efficiency of nuclear lysis after sonication.

In spite of low chromatin concentration, I used 5 ug of chromatin DNA  in each IP set. , however, I got amplification signals using RPL30 primers and other primers from IgG negative ChIP sample !!! 

So, I'm writing to ask you kindly guys if there are any recommendations in your experiences? How do I control my sonication condition to lysis nuclear membrane, and how I know whether it is completely lysed or not ? And how about false-positive results of IgG control, what should I do ? 


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