I am doing my thesis in Circular Economy, I can recommend you a lot of literature but maybe you can provide me some more details about the focus of your search. My email is [email protected]
I'll send you attached a paper we are going to present next week at the 22nd Annual Conference of the International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS) and my favorite papers.
Over the next 6-8 months we will finish a book titled 'Strategic Management and the Circular Economy' that will be published by Routedge shortly after. In the meantime, I can share some additional references to the ones already given:
Bakker, C., Wang, F., Huisman, J. and den Hollander, M., 2014. Products that go round: exploring product life extension through design. Journal of Cleaner Production, 69, pp.10-16
Tukker, A., 2015. Product services for a resource-efficient and circular economy–a review. Journal of cleaner production, 97, pp.76-91
Li, J., Zeng, X. and Stevels, A., 2015. Ecodesign in consumer electronics: past, present, and future. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 45(8), pp.840-860
Diallo, C., Venkatadri, U., Khatab, A. and Bhakthavatchalam, S., 2016. State of the art review of quality, reliability and maintenance issues in closed-loop supply chains with remanufacturing. International Journal of Production Research, pp.1-20
By Ellen MacArthur Foundation also 'Growth within: a circular economy vision for a competitive Europe.'