I'm using the gibson assembly to assemble 3 fragments (1.5kb 1,5kb and 3kb) into a vector (topo2.1 4kb) to generate a 10Kb plasmid. 2 fragments and the vector are PCR amplified and purified from gel while the 3Kb fragment has been synthesized (gBlock). All fragments contain 20bp overlapping sequences.

I obtained many colonies following transformation but unfortunately I never got properly assemble vectors (digestion analyses showed abnormal digestion patterns with overall shorter or longer size compared to the expected one, as if fragments have not been included or included multiple times).

I tried to change the molar ratios between inserts and vector from 1:1 to 3:1, I also used different bacterial strain mutated in RecA genes, and tried the new HiFi DNA assembly kit from NEB but with no success.

Can anybody give me some advice for successful assembly? Any help is appreciated

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