I need some help with my beta-amyloid protocol/ ThT assay. I’m getting it to work occasionally but the results are not reproducible to the point they need to be. When the assay works well the ThT curves are smooth and R.F.U.s are about 1000-1200. The incubation experiments monitored with AFM matched the assay data and everything was going well. Then I prepared a new batch and now the most I get out of my ThT curves is 160-500 R.F.U. for the control. AFM images of post ThT assay samples show fibril formation, but I’m stuck because batch to batch is not consistent in magnitude of beta-sheet content and kinetics are longer. I use 50µM ThT concentrations FYI. My current working protocol, that hasn't been reproducible, is to dissolve 1.0 mg of lyophilized Aβ40 in 1000µL of 10% NH4OH, incubate for 10 mins, and aliquot in 100µL amounts to ten tubes, and then snap freeze with liquid nitrogen followed by lyophilization of  the aliquots overnight @ -80C and 10-100µbar. The aliquots are then removed and stored in -80C until ready for use. Then an aliquot, allowed to reach RT >30mins, is dissolved in 10µL of 1% NH4OH (v/v) and diluted with ddH2O 106µL or instead it is dissolved with a 60mM NaOH solution @ pH 11.20. At this point it is introduced to a black/clr btm 96-well plate containing 20mM HEPES buffer pH 7.4 and 150mM NaCl in addition to treatments and a final peptide concentration of 20µM. The results, of the new batch, have shown low responses of controls and long kinetics time scales of aggregation. They also show an oscillatory type of behavior which I believe to be a signal-to-noise ratio issue. Which makes sense given the curves with oscillatory behavior and poor R.F.U.s have a signal-to-noise ratio of 3-5, while the better ThT assay gives a 19.37 ratio. I’m outright confused about my results and would appreciate any ideas, thoughts, or criticisms of why my results are not reproducible across batches. Ideas to troubleshot anything really?

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