You are mixing different things here. "Whole Genome Shotgun" is a sequencing approach that you can perform with either Sanger sequencing (the "good" old days...) or with NGS.
If you want to know which technology delivers the best results in terms of quality and read length (Sanger, 454, IonTorrent, Illumina, PacBio, etc.) this is quite difficult to tell. Based on my own experiences, Sanger and Illumina deliver the best quality for reads of 300bp (Illumina) up to 800bp (Sanger). IonTorrent data contains too many homopolymer errors for my taste (I work with high G+C actinomycetes). Concerning read length, PacBio is still king.
You are mixing different things here. "Whole Genome Shotgun" is a sequencing approach that you can perform with either Sanger sequencing (the "good" old days...) or with NGS.
If you want to know which technology delivers the best results in terms of quality and read length (Sanger, 454, IonTorrent, Illumina, PacBio, etc.) this is quite difficult to tell. Based on my own experiences, Sanger and Illumina deliver the best quality for reads of 300bp (Illumina) up to 800bp (Sanger). IonTorrent data contains too many homopolymer errors for my taste (I work with high G+C actinomycetes). Concerning read length, PacBio is still king.