I'am doing a chi square test for categorical variables in a very large sample size. Is there any alternative to the Chi-Square Test (besides the cramer'S V test for associations )? Thanks,
The chi-square test will give an insight whether there is association between different variables. If there are many inter-relationships it provides a background for further investigation. Exploratory Factor Analysis can be carried out to understand the pattern.If the factor loading and Cronbach alpha calculated for each factor is high then confirmatory factor analysis and/or regression can be applied to draw meaningful conclusions.
What I meant was that with increasing sample size, we are able to detect small effects, even though they are not and this is one limitation of Chi-square test.
In my case i want to compare proportions between two or more groups.
We can use Cramer’s V test to show the strength of the association (the effect size) but i'm searching for another alternative to chi-square test.
Ette Etuk,thanks for your suggestion, but when n is large , Chi-square and G-square tend to be approximately equal. For large samples, the results of the X2 and G2 tests will be essentially the same.
Actually I meet the same problem now. The sample size is very large, but some expected value are even smaller than 5. Do you have any solution or recommendations, Sana?