Dear Sir/ Madam,

We had conducted a study on memory impairment process in 3xTg AD (3xTg Alzheimer's disease) mice model. We observed significant memory impairment in these mice at their age of 24 weeks (6 months) when they were fed with fatty diet. Literature shows that 3xTg AD mice produce Aβ pathology at 6 months of age that preceded tau pathology with neurofibrillary tangles formation at about 12 months of age. Cognitive impairment manifests at 4 months as a deficit in long-term retention and correlates with the accumulation of intraneuronal Aβ in the hippocampus and amygdala, without any appearance of tangles or plaque (Billings et al., 2005).

In our experiment, we could not get any changes in either amyloid beta or phospho-tau in 3xTg AD mice at their age of 24 weeks in response to fatty diet but possess significant memory impairment. We have found similar findings in a few of studies but they had taken 12/13 month aged 3xTg AD mice. I was wondering that can we conclude fatty diet impaired cognition in the pre-aging stage of mice in my case of study.

Thank you for considering my queries on the ageing process in 3xTg AD mice. 

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