As you are all aware of the global shortage of acetonitrile a few years ago, i felt it is the high time for everyone of us to look for alternate solvents like methanol or acetone for SMALL MOLECULE ANALYSIS by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry to prevent such shortages ahead. Apart from methanol, acetone possibly could be a suitable alternate solvent for LC-MS/MS analysis. i have read very few articles in which they replaced acetonitrile with acetone for LARGE MOLECULE ANALYSIS by LC-MS/MS. we are planning to develop bioanalytical methods using acetone for small molecules although acetone is non-polar, which is not suitable for RP-HPLC and highly inflammable solvent (LC-MS/MS requires the application of different cone voltages) compared to acetonitrile. i would like to know whether anyone have ever tried acetone for small molecule analysis by RP-HPLC-MS/MS or just share your inputs on this.

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