I was practicing Isight optimisation tool with Abacus.
Features used
1. optimization genetic algorithm
2. calculator component
3. NSGA-II - Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm
I had imported the CAE file of ansys and followed the procedure available in the internet.
But I get a error which I do not understand. But I am sure that the error do not say and missing parameter in the input.
After I run the file, I get following Error for one step. And 7 such step is executed, which all contain same error message.
The message is
1. Component "Optimiyation1.Abaqus" failed execution
1.1 There was an error preparing the run. Please see abaqus_rpy output file parameter(abaqus_rpy output file parameter) for more information.
1.1.1 com.engineous.sdk.runtime.RtException: There was an error preparing the run, Please see abaqus.rpy (abaqus_rpy output file parameter) for more information.
1.1.2 at com.engineous.component.abaqus.AbaqusExecutor.execCae (AbaqusExecutor.java:1668)
1.1.3 at com.engineous.component.abaqus.AbaqusExecutor.execCae (AbaqusExecutor.java:205)
1.1.4 at com.engineous.system.station.CompRunner.run(CompRnner.java:1375)
1.1.5 at engineous.system.station.CompRunner.run(compRunner.Java;1375)
If any one has faced any such issue, please share your experience.